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Since 2006, we have been tracking median price and sales volume area wide and also by unique micro-regions that reflect how buyers approach the Lake Tahoe area. We closely monitor Lake Tahoe basin & Truckee real estate activity in both California and Nevada, and break it down in a digestible format that includes graphs, key data points, and highlights. Using our extensive experience in the market and decades of data, we provide an in-depth analysis of recent market activity alongside our predictions of where the market is heading. View our current quarterly real estate market report to read detailed sales volume and median home price trends year-over-year by region.

market report

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Whether you are interested to buy or sell your Lake Tahoe home, or you are simply keeping apprised of market conditions, use our unique reports, segmented by regions that were determined by our vast understading of the dynamics of this area, to provide insights unavailable elsewhere. 

Always feel free to reach out to us directly with questions or to discuss current market conditions.

You folks have been so professional and hospitable that you've exceeded my expectations. Thanks for making me comfortable when I arrived, and for having the home in such beautiful shape. My family loved the house and we had a great time there together. This has been a real highlight of my life. Thank you for everything.

- Lynn M.